St Croix Casino Turtle Lake Wi Phone Number

St. Croix Casino, Turtle Lake, WI is replacing their 25 year old CosaTron Air Purification Systems with brand new units as part of an overall AHU replacement program.
St Croix Casino Turtle Lake Closed
CosaTron was installed in the original RTUs 25 years ago and they are still in operation. The RTUs are now being replaced and the CosaTron Air Purification Systems are being upgraded to the latest versions of 650 Generators and HV grids. The new AHUs are built to match the existing units exactly and the CosaTron units are the exact dimensions of the original units installed over 25 years ago.
Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin own and operate the St. Croix Casinos with three separate locations: St. Croix Casino Turtle Lake, St. (362) Croix Casino Danbury, and St. Croix Casino Hertel Express. St croix casino turtle lake - This site for online playing is just what you need. Register and start winning. Earn some quick money immediately with this top class online gambling destination. Get the best from your playing experience with this top notch place to gamble online. Official Website of Village of Turtle Lake, Wisconsin. Spare Time Bowl Bar & Grill. 440 Industrial St Turtle Lake WI 54889 715-986-4244.
Matt Davids of Schwab Vollhaber Lubratt, Inc. based in Shoreview, MN is the account rep for the casino and has managed the sale of the RTUs and CosaTron.
St Croix Casino Turtle Lake Wi Phone Number Lookup
“From an HVAC guy’s perspective, it’s currently “very smoky” in the casino,” says Davids. “These guys really need CosaTron to improve the customer’s experience.”

The first two 45′ long RTU replacements are being installed this year, with the next four likely to happen in the next 24 months.
St Croix Casino Turtle Lake Wi Phone Number Lookup
The St Croix Casino in Turtle Lake, WI is one of three casino facilities operated by the St Croix people. Initially built in 1987 the casino has been updated and extended a number of times since. A single level gaming floor of approximately 30,000 sq. ft, plus a 10,000 sq. ft meeting/event space and administrative offices are all conditioned by six 90T RTUs that service the space.