Get Into The Slot Golf

Why You Need This: In this video, you'll learn how to get in the slot.

Jim McLean believes that the optimum golf swing requires a golfer to drop the clubshaft down into the imaginary 'slot box' during the mid downswing, so that the clubshaft can move along an inside-out path towards the ball. This concept is fundamental to the idea that a golfer needs to generate an in-to-square-to-in clubhead path as depicted in the. That neutral position is the “slot” you hear people refer to as in “dropping the club into the slot” on the down swing. Now, I have shown that I could swing with a flatter or more neutral swing plane as I did last year when I was modeling the MCS Golf Swing in the “E = MCS” video.

Think about how you swing a baseball bat...

Finding the slot in golf

How To Get Into The Slot Golf

I know, it's been awhile... But when you grab a bat, it's natural to hold off on releasing it until the ball comes over the plate. You build and release your lag pretty darn well without thinking about it.

If it's natural to swing a baseball bat like that, then why is it so difficult for you to maintain your lag and release with power using a golf club?

It's so frustrating...

You swing as hard as you can, but you cast the club early in the downswing and any hope of crushing your drive is gone.

In this video, you'll discover how to take the feeling of a natural power-producing baseball swing and translate it to your golf swing.

Getting Into The Slot Golf Swing

Like a baseball player connects with the ball and blasts a home run...

You'll get the feeling of releasing all you got into the golf ball so you can start crushing your drives!

Golf Pros Featured:

Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard

Video Duration: 5:07

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Normally, this video in our step-by-step, course-based training is only available to our All Access Members...

Get Into The Slot Golf

But I'll let you watch this ONE video today only... because I can already tell I'm going to like you !

Chances are that you've heard of 'the slot.' It's a position halfway into your downswing from where you can hit the ball on a slightly in-to-out path. You might think of it as the lower part of your swing plane, starting at the point when (if you're a right-handed player) that your right elbow drops down close to your right side.

Step 1

Get Into The Slot GolfGetting into the slot golf swingSlot

Address the ball normally. Everyone's setup is slightly different, but your feet should be about shoulder-width apart when using your driver and slightly narrower for the shorter clubs. Bend forward from your hips so your spine leans toward the ball and your knees are slightly flexed as if you were squatting to lift something. Let your arms hang down, with your triceps resting lightly against your chest and the club head behind the ball.

Step 2

Start your takeaway by turning your shoulders, keeping your arms relaxed without bending your elbows.

With your triceps resting lightly against your chest and your knees slightly flexed, you'll be able to turn your shoulders and carry your hands (and the club) to nearly waist high before your right elbow will need to bend. You'll have made most of your shoulder turn at this point.

Step 3

Bend your right elbow toward your right shoulder. This will simultaneously cock your wrists and allow you to finish your shoulder turn.

When you finish this part of your swing, your shoulders will have turned roughly 90 degrees from your address position, pointing the club shaft down the target line and parallel to the ground. A quick checkpoint: At the top of your backswing, your right shoulder will be visible underneath the upside-down V formed by your hands and forearms, and your right forearm will be parallel to your spine.

Your hips will be turned slightly to the right and your left knee pointing slightly behind the ball. You'll feel tension in your right knee as it resists your hip twist; this is what most golfers refer to as a 'weight shift.'

Get Into Slot Downswing Golf

Step 4

Drop into the slot by letting your knees return to their address position – both flexed – and let your arms drop slightly so your right elbow moves closer to your right side. Although this action causes a chain reaction. Your hips will start to unwind, your shoulders will start to uncoil, and your downswing will start. Dropping into the slot feels as if you are just exhaling so you can relax for an instant – but only an instant.

Golf Swing In The Slot

Step 5

How To Get Into The Slot Golf Drill

Hit the ball as hard as you want. The 'relaxing' started your hips unwinding and, as Ben Hogan wrote, 'After you have initiated the downswing with the hips, you want to think of only one thing: hitting the ball.' Once you're in the slot, it's hard to go wrong. All you need to do is straighten your right elbow, finish your downswing, and hammer the ball toward the target.