Craps Pass Line Bets Per Hour
In a representative craps game, a player is apt to experience approximately 25 come-out cycles per hour. A four-hour session will consequently comprise 100 or so such cycles. Assume that players bet solely on the Pass Line - taking single, double, or quintuple odds. Say they want to be 85 and 95 percent sure to survive 100 rounds on a certain.
In fact, it’s significantly better than most of the other bets at the craps table. At an average craps table, you’ll see about 100 rolls of the dice per hour. If you lose $1.41 on average for each of them, you’ll see an hourly loss average out to $141. You make $10 pass line bets (1.41% house edge). The average number of rolls at your table is 100. Your pass line bet takes 5 rolls to be decided. This means you’re making 20 bets per hour ($200 in wagers).
Craps Best Bet

Any Craps Bet

Craps has several elements that make it one of the most exciting casino games. These aspects include lots of bets, dice rolling, and camaraderie among pass line bettors.
Another thing to like about craps is its fairly simple strategy. I’ll start explaining this with the four top bets:
Craps Pass Line Bets Per Hour Rule

- Don’t pass line = 1.36% house edge
- Don’t come = 1.36%
- Pass line = 1.41%
- Come = 1.41%
All of these bets have a lower house advantage than American roulette (5.26%), European roulette (2.70%), and some blackjack tables (up to 2%).

You can make the craps house edge even lower by taking odds behind any of these bets. Odds don’t have a house advantage, making them the best wager in the casino.
Craps odds range from 1x to 100x, although the latter range is extremely rare. But the more odds you can take, the better it is for your chances of winning.
As you can see, craps strategy is pretty simple. But some players try everything from complicated betting systems tosuperstitions to improve their odds of winning.
This forms the basis of my post about the worst craps advice I’ve heard. Here are 7 bad pieces of advice that I’ve both read and witnessed at the tables.